Wednesday, November 23, 2011

And this is bliss.

Oh, my.
Oh my goodness.

So let me introduce you to the Elder.
("Hello, Elder.")
Elder is a spiritual giant.
He is one of the very most amazing people I know, for not only is he so full of the gospel, and so happy because of it, but he loves to share it. How wonderful is that?
And ya'll know I was lucky enough to go on a date with him yesterday.
You should see how completely overwhelmed-ly excited he gets when his mission comes up (in just a month) - he can hardly contain his happiness!

(Elder asked me if I thought there was such a thing as being "too churchy." 
Hard question.
I stumbled over my answer, but basically told him that his intentions were pure.
And that he is absolutely not too churchy.)

Let me introduce you to someone else.
Meet the Robinsons.*

Do you ever go someplace, and just . . . feel it? Feel the love, feel the hope and strength and courage and joy and everything there?

This is how it is when you walk into the Robinson home.
It's a feeling of . . . can I just stay here forever? Please and thank you?
It's a beautiful feeling.
It's like . . .
Like this.

alyssa kaylee

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